Сейчас проверила почту на Яндексе, оказывается, мне тоже прислали имэйл про анти-американскую деятельность. Круто! Дата: 27.03.07 09:39 От кого: Bureau of Morality - Year 0000 Search dcs1000@thepriceoftreason.net Кому: Irena-Keller@yandex.ru Тема: YOU HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AS UN-AMERICAN -------------------- ATTENTION! The Bureau of Morality has identified you as A CONSUMER OF DISSIDENT MATERIAL. This is a one time warning. Any further attempts to view, consume, or distribute un-american content will result in the loss of citizenship increments and/or the imposition of fines, penalties, or imprisonment. You have choices. Make the RIGHT ones. For further information on making good choices, visit http://www.thepriceoftreason.net -------------------- Bureau of Morality One Nation Under God |